Born and raised in the Canadian Prairies by two loving parents that emigrated from the Philippines. 
Throughout my childhood, they exposed me to playing instruments, sports, dance, multiple cultures and traditional Filipino Cultures. I love that I can speak my native tongue because of my exposure at a young age. I was in private schools my whole life. My parents were especially kind and I value that to this day. They were both teachers that transitioned into entrepreneurs then into community leaders. Witnessing the value of being there for a community who couldn’t speak for themselves or have to courage to do it, inspires me to this day.
During my time in school, I really developed an affinity for sports. In my younger years, it was all about, racquet sports, basketball, volleyball. As I developed some muscles… it was all about contact sports after that. I really enjoyed American football and rugby. ESPECIALLY RUGBY. The camaraderie that this sport taught me about laying it all out on the field and having a nice cold beer with your opponent that you just stepped on.  In high school, I wasn’t much of a scholastic student more of a class clown. The school still taught me the virtues of being “A man for others” Now that I look back, they were setting me up for this moment as I share my bio with all of you.
Out of high school, I jumped right into the hospitality industry working in the kitchen at a great company called “Earls” they allowed me to be myself while doing what I love. Entertaining.  For the next 5 years, I would work with them while working in nightclubs. It was perfect for my youth as I got to learn about business, management, and partying with like-minded people. 
Fast forward to 2019. I the span of 20 years in the hospitality industry opening up really cool restaurant concepts, the hottest bars and nightclubs in western Canada, mingling with Hollywood elite, professional athletes, Olympic medalists, entrepreneurs, and youth that would-be leaders of tomorrow, I helped create really amazing and memorable experiences. To this day, I’m very thankful for all the people I’ve met through this industry. 
In all of this, I was always in search of something more. I got caught up in the lifestyle of being in the industry and had a belief that in order to be successful, I had to sacrifice areas in my life for it. And boy did I sacrifice them to my own fault. Moving from job to job thinking that it’s the environment that needs to change..
Then in 2016, I took it inward and really started to focus on my thoughts, habits, beliefs, and actions/behaviours. I wasn’t happy with what I discovered. In 2018 I decided to take a stand for myself and build the life that I’ve always wanted and in this process, I’ve found purpose and meaning. Being a man of service to the community is where my mission lies. I ask that you read my mission statement and my purpose to get an idea of the impact I want to create in this world.

My Purpose

To be a brave and present community leader that is guided by love & gratitude. And to be an example of whats possible so that I impact millions of people to positively take control and spark more joy in their lives.

My Mission

To create a safe environment for one to grow, share, and live to their highest potential while contributing to their community.